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Orientation is an event. Onboarding is a process, one that is entirely focused on attracting and engaging the right fit talent in advance and setting the new employees up for rapid success. This process is closely aligned to your organization’s culture, employment brand, ongoing as well as future business objectives. A strategic and well-managed onboarding program begins prior to the moment an offer is extended and ends when the new hire is classified as a fully-functioning employee guaranteeing a rapid ROTI (Return on Talent Investment.)

What is Onboarding and why is it so important?

Onboarding is the business critical initiative of introducing job seekers, potential candidates and new hires to your message and culture, which helps them engage with your organization in the initial search phase and perform better in their roles faster, with a closer connection to your organization's own unique way of doing things.

Help new hires perform better and advance faster!

Peak can help you align your orientation efforts with a unique digital/video onboarding program, so that new hires:

  • Are more initially involved and engaged in your company culture and feel like a vital member of your organization,

  • Assimilate faster and are more productive earlier in their position,

  • Increase their chance of success while reducing the normal level of frustration often experienced in transitioning to or starting a new position, and

  • Improve their productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, engagement, morale, and overall position success.


Practically every company these days has some form of program designed to nurture its rising stars. With good reason— high-achieving talent has an enormous impact on business results.

90 percent of employees decide whether they will stay at an organization within the first 6 months on the job.
Getting On Board: A Model for Integrating and Engaging New Employees

Peak will help you create and implement:

  • Recognition Programs, formal and informal, to foster talent commitment and loyalty,

  • Stay Interviews and Employee Satisfaction Surveys,

  • Management Performance and EQ Training,

  • Strong internal sourcing and recruiting processes,

  • Realistic job descriptions that are consistent with criteria to be used in subsequent performance and outcome reviews,

  • Succession planning programs, especially for 'mission critical' positions,

  • Effective corporate employee communications strategies and programs that help employees understand the business and its mission,

  • Interview training support for key decision makers, with Right-Fit candidate emphasis,


TIP: Utilize onboarding to help facilitate compliance with company policies and procedures!

Let’s discuss learning and development and branding solutions that will help you be identified as an employer of choice.